Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

June 10, 2013 1:15pm

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206


Present:  Dr. Karin Bartoszuk, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Dr. Scott W. Champney, Dr. William R. Duncan, Dr. Emmett M. Essin, Dr. Eric S. Glover, Dr. Marsh Grube, Dr. Brian Maxson, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Florence M. Weierbach


Absent:  Dr. Russell Brown, Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. Donald B. Hoover, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Dr. Marie Jones, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Jeff R. Knisley, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Lori Marks, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Robbie Pack, Ms. Laura Pepper-Weiler, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Ms. Colleen Scott, Dr. Ester L. Verhovsek


Approval of April 2013 Minutes:


The 2013年4月29日会议记录被批准,没有更正.


 Introduction of new Assistant Dean, Dr. Brian Maxson:


Dr. Bartoszuk introduced Dr. 布莱恩·马克森担任研究生院副院长 Studies.  Dr. Maxson is from the History 担任副院长大约四周了.  Dr. Maxson replaces Dr. Jeffrey Beck and the job function duties are to be determined.  The council member graciously welcomed Dr. Maxson to the meeting.


Curriculum Subcommittee report – Dr. Martha Pointer:


Each of the proposals below was considered 使用以下特征作为适当性的要素 proposal:

Appropriate credit hour assignment

Appropriate discipline-specific best practices



Appropriate content and topics

Appropriate major assignments

Appropriate class level

Appropriate course type

Appropriate course delivery method

Conflict with other courses or programs

信贷的衔接和可转移性 other institutions


I.              New 课程建议- ARTA 4/5147,古代大师的绘画技巧


This course is designed 教授学生绘画技法.

            The 小组委员会建议核准,但作以下修改:


            A.         The transcript title is limited to 24 spaces.  A modification might be “Techniques of Old Master.”

            B.         In listing the faculty who have the 教授该课程的资格证书,包括研究生院排名.

            C.        In the Grading Scale, use “Below 70” for the graduate grade of “F.”  Also, use “60分以下”为本科成绩“F”.”

            D.        In the Attendance Policy, the first 项目符号项,在第二个项目符号项中,“逐个”用连字符分隔.

E.         In the Other Information Section, you may want to reference the ETSU Honor Code.

F.         In the Prerequisites, add “or equivalent.”

G.        In the Catalog Description, add the sentence “Repeatable for credit.”


Action taken by council:  approved with recommendations



II.            Substantive 更改到现有的程序-文学硕士阅读


This curriculum 提案(1)提议改变雷丁文学硕士所需的课程; 专注于阅读教育以达到认证标准, (二)修改项目入学条件; 将最终体验改为普通的综合笔试. 


The subcommittee 建议批准以下变更:


            A.         In the Narrative Description of Action 列出你对这个项目所做的三个改变.  在整个文档中地址的每一个 three changes.  For example, the Needs section, the Impact section, etc. should each have three parts.

            B.         Change the reference from the Master of 阅读艺术教育到专注阅读艺术硕士 或者是阅读教育的文学硕士.

            C.        In the Objectives of the Proposal, do items 2 through 8 need to be included?  Are these new objectives?

            D.        In the Need section, “coach” should be “coaches.”  “Classroom-based” is hyphenated. “have”和“experiences”之间多了一个“a”.”  倒数第二句的措辞 is unclear.  The “course catalog” should be the “Graduate Catalog.”  The indicated weakness of the program is not specified,

            E.         In the Plans for Accreditation, “but also” should be “and.“认证的文书工作应该是过去的事了 tense.

            F.         In the Type of Program Change, the 所需的小时数加起来不正确.  Please clarify.

            G.        The information in the Academic Program 箱子两边的存货应该是一样的.

            H.        The Intended Implementation date needs to be changed.

            I.          In Appendix A, spell out the IRA and SPA designations.

            J.         In Appendix B, add the missing 第三部分两边加括号.  一定要更改附录的标题.

            K.         In the Impact section, indicate how the 三年的教学经验将被验证.

            L.         In Appendix C, change the title of the 附录,删除第一部分(加粗区域上方的部分),更改 学位名称,并有五个具体的录取标准.  The five criteria would be 1, as written; 2 delete what is written and put in the oral or written interview; 3 the letters of recommendation; a current resume; and 5 a copy of the current teaching license.


Action taken by council:  Tabled until the next council meeting



A.         Graduate Faculty 小组委员会报告和建议-博士. Tedesco:


Graduate Faculty Subcommittee Report

May-June  2013

New Appointments


            Applicant                               Dept.                                       Recommendation


1.    Dickson, Louise                            ELPA                                                   Temporary

2.    Lewis, Christopher                        MATH                                                 Member






Applicant                               Dept.                           Present Status          Recommendation


1.    Donaldson, James                        BIOL                            Temporary                  Affiliate

2.    Duncan, William                None*                          Affiliate                        Member         

3.    Harrington, Karen             Lit. & Language           Interim                         Affiliate

4.    Henson, Gary                   Physics & Astron.       Associate                    Member

5.    Kornweibel, Karen            Lit. & Language           Associate                    Affiliate**                    

6.    Lee, Sally                          COUN***                    Temporary                  Affiliate

7.    Stone, Margaret               PEXS                          Temporary                  Affiliate

8.    Young, Marian                  ENTC                          Temporary                  Affiliate


Action taken by council:  approved with exception- Dr. Kornweibel的申请被退回部门进一步审查


Old Business:


                     The council extensively 讨论了三份决议草案. Phil Pfeiffer, Dr. Tedesco, and Dr. McIntosh. A motion was made by Dr. Tedesco to accept option B and second by Dr. Pointer.  The draft 选项B的信非常详细地解释了增加……的必要性 研究生助教津贴,以抵消250美元的额外费用的回报 the ETSU football.  Additional, Dr. Champney stated Dr. 麦金托什把这封信写在信笺上 以电子方式分发给理事会成员签名或不签名.  之后,这封信应该提交给 Dr. Noland for his consideration.  Furthermore, after Dr. 诺兰考虑了委员会的建议,他 应该邀请他参加理事会讨论增加毕业生的问题吗 assistantship stipends. 






New Business:


Dr. 钱伯尼建议选择研究生委员会主席,开设课程 小组委员会主席/联合主席,以及学院小组委员会主席/联合主席 2013-14年度将被搁置,直到更多的理事会成员出席.


Dr. Bartoszuk向理事会更新了电子系统的发展情况 graduate faculty applications submission.  会议安排与新兴技术系统(ETC)和 主任们将于周五或周一讨论进度.  研究结果将在9月的会议上公布 council meeting.  In the meantime, the ETC处于测试模式,正在进行中.


In Dr. Jones absent, Dr. 巴尔托斯祖克表示,新兵训练营现在正在进行.  此外,已有15名学生被录取 to the boot camp.  This prompted a question 关于研究生可以签名的次数是否有限 up for the boot camp.  Dr. Bartoszuk answered it is unlimited.




First, 新一届研究生入学将于2013年8月19日(星期一)在 D. P. 卡尔普中心礼堂,之后将举行招待会.  迎新会将于下午三点半开始,直至 下午6点,招待会将于6点开始. 


Second, Ms. 丽贝卡·洛伊德是在线研究生联络员 远程学习的研究生可以十大博彩公司获取信息 程序,任何在线问题,并完成在线申请.


Third, 一年一度的研究生协调员会议将于2013年8月20日(星期二)在纽约 溪谷的设施,早上8点开始注册,还有一辆大陆式的 breakfast provided.  Afterwards, the 会议将于上午8时15分开始至下午1时,然后是工作午餐.  Another meeting will be from 1:00 pm until 2:00 pm to discuss ELS opportunities.  安理会成员将很快收到进一步的细节.


Fourth, 在线学生服务、成功专家、奖学金、 奖励,专业发展机会,政策审查和 程序被搁置到下次会议. 


Additionally, Dr. Bartoszuk在6月1日宣布了额外的奖学金申请提名, 2013. 


Furthermore, Dr. Bartoszuk distributed the Illuminated magazine to the council members.








There was no further business to discuss; therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.