Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

February 23, 2009 1:15pm

President’s Conference Room – Burgin Dossett Hall 206


Present: Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Amy Arnold, Dr. Jeffrey Beck, Ms. Queen Brown, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Dr. Scott W. Champney, Dr. Wallace E. Dixon, Dr. Bill Duncan, Dr. Wayne Gillespie, Dr. Helene K. Halvorson, Dr. Donald B. Hoover, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Phillip R. Scheuerman, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Jon Webb

Absent: Dr. Judith A. Anderson (excused), Ms. Maria D. Costa, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Ms. Jessica King, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Ms. Jenny Reed, Dr. Jasmine Renner (excused), Dr. Paul Trogen, Dr. Ester Verhovsek,

Guests: Dr. Janine Richardson, Dr. Raymond McLain, Dr. Daniel Boner, Dr. Kathleen Rayman

1月会议纪要的批准-会议纪要经过修改后获得批准. The PSCY was corrected to PSYC. Furthermore, the council recommended Dr. Karen Harrington’ status change from interim to associate.

Curriculum Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Martha Pointer.


I. New course BLUE 4257/5257 Band Leadership Skills

这是一门体验式课程,帮助学生通过集体和个人的学习和实践经验来培养乐队的领导能力. 希望领导专业蓝草乐队的学生将受益于在教师的密切监督下学习有效的领导技巧和实践技巧.


Action taken by council: Approved


II. 新课程PHYS 417 /5117热与统计物理

This course is the study of the laws of thermodynamics, Maxwell's relations, Kinetic theory of an ideal gas, equations of state, distribution of molecular velocities, principles of statistical mechanics, transport phenomena, Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, and Bose-Einstein statistics. 热力学已与PHYS4117和动力学与统计物理合并,以创建拟议的课程.


Action taken by council: Approved

研究生院小组委员会报告和建议-博士. Tedesco.

委员会于2009年2月12日召开会议,并提出了以下建议. There were no new applications.




Applicant Department Previous Recommendation  

Action taken by council: approved with corrections

 在就重新任命的建议提出动议之前, 理事会成员讨论了临时标准和指导方针, associate, and full. 讨论的重点是对即将重新任命的人员的评价和学术活动的记录. 有人指出,小组委员会将提出一份建议修订类别和标准的文件,供下次研究生理事会会议讨论. Dr. Champney建议在下次会议上进一步讨论. Dr. Halvorson made a motion to recommend Dr. Mackara (February list) and Dr. Harrington (January list) for associate status. The motion was passed with Dr. Tedesco and Dr. Hoover opposing. 2月份的其他建议都通过了,并附带了一个说明. Peter Pawlowicz的申请由于缺少签名而被退回部门,因此无法处理.

Old Business:

The IRB representatives Janine Richardson, Chris Ayers, 和Kathleen Rayman出席了会议,回答了有关任命IRB代表的选择过程的问题. 经教务长/教务处副校长推荐,由ETSU校长任命IRB成员, and/or the Vice-President for Health Affairs. Representation of colleges (faculty members) was shared. Additionally, two ETSU Staff representatives, two local community representatives, 和一名囚犯代表在内部审查委员会有投票权. Dr. Dixon询问研究生院和/或研究生理事会成员是否有可能在IRB中有代表. Dr. 邓肯表示,他将对此进行调查,并建议研究生院院长可以提交一个人的名字,作为投票成员. 理事会成员同意院长麦金托什提交的名称,考虑代表研究生教育在IRB一旦这个想法得到批准.

Dr. Tedesco and Dr. 胡佛对他们的研究生院工作小组会议做了总结. Dr. 特德斯科提出了研究生教员任命的指导方针. Dr. 胡佛提出了一些建议,以改变类别的名称,因为这似乎是许多问题的来源. 理事会成员讨论了与指导方针有关的各种标准. 理事会成员要求小组委员会提交一份完整的计划,以便在下次研究生理事会会议上讨论. Dr. Champney将把这个问题提上2009年3月会议的议程.

Dr. Gillespie presented the revised proposal entitled Support Award for Projects that Enhance the Public Good. Dr. 吉莱斯皮要求就奖金数额和资格要求达成共识. After much discussion by the council members, Dr. 玛莎·波因特提议,除研究奖外,所有奖项的奖金都定为250美元. The monetary research award will remain at $500. The motion was seconded by Dr. Helene Halvorson. The council members voted to accept. Dr. Gillespie will send emails to all graduate coordinators, chairs, 学生们重申申请截止日期是3月16日.

New Business:

 Dr. Jeffrey Beck stated the first order of new business. Dr. Beck评论说,一些博士项目的研究生目录列出了四封推荐信,而其他博士项目列出了三封推荐信. Dr. Beck提议将博士学位项目的推荐信信息(目前的研究生目录在第10页)从四封推荐信改为三封推荐信. 个别项目仍然需要四封推荐信,并在目录中公布这些信息. The motion was seconded by Dr. Phillip Scheuerman, and the motion was passed.

Dr. McIntosh explained the Turnitin 资源,可用于审查报告,论文/论文的独创性. Dr. 麦金托什发起了一场讨论,讨论是否有可能要求所有的论文和学位论文在过程中的某个阶段(在提交给研究生院进行最终批准之前)都要经过原创软件的审核。. 目前,她鼓励学生在写作时使用这一资源,Jerry Shuttle报告说,研究生使用这一资源的人数有所增加. 在进一步讨论之前,研究生委员会希望更多地了解这个项目是如何运作的. Ms. Amy Arnold stated she would ask Mr. Shuttle to come to one of the next meetings. Mr. Shuttle是Sherrod图书馆的反剽窃管理员,将被列入4月份理事会会议的议程(因为3月份的会议将在没有互联网功能的地点举行),向理事会提供演示.


