分钟: 研究生会- 10月 28, 2002, 1:15 p.m., East Tennessee Room – DP Culp

出席者: Antkiewicz, Barrett, Bitter, 棕色(的), Caton, Champney, Herrin, Greer, 胡佛, 派克,舒尔曼,史密斯, 泰勒, 惠特森,齐格勒


缺席: 迪克森, Ellis, Norris-Thompson, Osborn, Woodruff


客人:  Elhindi

I.  通过会议记录9月 30, 2002


行动 立法会通过:  经 Dr的加入. Pointer to the list of attendees.


II. Curriculum Process System – Wes 棕色(的), 迪安


            Dr. 棕色(的) briefly described the new electronic curriculum process for preparation and submission of course and non-substantive curriculum proposals.  Format A-F will still need to go to TBR for approval after December 2002.  只有新 degree programs will be routed through TBR.  One of the most important aspects of the process is that the electronic document can be completed in one step and submitted through the process or the creator has the option to save it and finish at a later date and time.  Dr. 棕色(的) stated that links to the site and security ID(s) will be provided at a later date.  He further stated that approvals throughout the process are password based and he doesn’t perceive any problems at the 流程前端.  有一些 concern expressed 从 the 委员会 regarding identification of revisions and how individuals 将 be able to recognize or verify that revisions and/or 更改已获批准.  Dr. 棕色(的) said that this 将 be addressed with the committee before the process is finalized and ready for implementation.


3.  Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee ——主席帕特·史密斯


      A.  新的任命:


1.    Ms. 吉吉 Alandt -技术

建议-临时 会员

2.    Dr. 华莱士E. 迪克逊,小.  ——心理学

            推荐 -准会员

3.    Dr. Masoud Ghaffari – Adult Nursing

            推荐 -准会员

4.    Mr. Peter Hriso -技术

推荐-助理 会员

5.    Mr. Jeffrey Roach – Computer and Information Sciences

建议-临时 会员

6.    Mr. 詹姆斯 A. Wronecki -技术

            推荐 – Interim 会员 (lack of terminal degree)


采取的行动 委员会:  批准.




B. 连任:


1.    Dr. M. Lou Ernst-Fonberg – Biochemistry

            完整的 会员资格已过期  02年下降

            推荐 -正式会员

2.    Dr. Donald B. 胡佛-药理学

            完整的 会员过期-二月

            推荐 – 完整的会员

3.    Dr. 哈米德 S. Kasmai -化学

            完整的 会员 过期- 02秋季

            推荐 -正式会员

4.    Dr. 理查德的. Wissell -公共卫生

准会员资格 过期- 02秋季

推荐-助理 会员




理事会采取的行动:  批准.

V.       老 业务


1.  Dr. 棕色(的) displayed the new CD developed at the 研究生院 which has the first 232 electronic Dissertations and Theses explaining that this format will be used to create an additional archive of documents as it is easier to maintain and takes up less space than the old paper archival method.



2.  Dr. 棕色(的) informed 委员会 members of the Administrative Retreat planned for November 14-15, 2002 emphasizing that there 将 be discussion regarding 研究生阶段的QEP. 



VI.   新业务


1. 〇编辑变化 Jeff Greer distributed editorial changes

   for the 2003-3004 catalogs as an information 项.


2. 国际学生 -雅思问题-博士. 约瑟夫Elhindi


Dr. Herrin提供 background information on IELTS (International English Language Testing System) explaining that the IELTS 将 not replace TOEFL 面向国际学生 but be used as an alternative to the TOEFL. She also stated that this could be used as an optional test 面向国际学生 who 将 otherwise have to go to another country to take the TOEFL test or receive special admission status prior to taking the TOEFL.


Dr. Elhindi解释道 pros for accepting IELTS as follows:


1.    It is recognized by more than 200 U.S. 更高的 educational institutions as a valid predictor of English proficiency for undergraduate and graduate level students.

2.    There is one fee ($110 in the U.S.)和测试 四种语言技能,我.e. listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

3.    The IELTS has flexible test dates and special test sessions available worldwide.

4.    There are test centers in 107 countries.

5.    A secure, two week turnaround time by test centers to receiving institutions.

6.    The test is jointly managed by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), the British 委员会, and IDP 澳大利亚教育.

7.    The IELTS validity, reliability, and security 得到UCLES的保证吗.


Dr. Elhindi现在是 administering the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) to all international students hold graduate assistantships or tuition scholarships.  This process currently takes 20-25 分钟.  The new IELTS test will give the university this information rather than having to do the separate OPI test 面向国际学生.


经过讨论 委员会 regarding issues such as minimum scores and comparison scores on the TOEFL and IELTS, the following motion was made:


      IELTS 将 be used as an alternative to TOEFL. 

      The minimum score for admission to 研究生院

      programs 将 be decided by the School of Graduate

      研究. The 研究生院 将 need to look at

      TOEFL scores for score cap and minimum score.  他们 

将 also look at raising computer based TOEFL score

从 213 to 230.


      理事会采取的行动:      Motion was tabled requesting additional information be obtained by the 研究生院 on

      TOEFL score data and diversity 影响.


3. 研究生院 政策-博士. 罗伯塔Herrin


A. 研究生学术 检讨委员会-博士. Herrin distributed a handout detailing the report of the sub-committee to establish a 研究生学术 Review Board.  She further requested approval 从 the Graduate 委员会 for a change in the membership of the proposed Graduate Academic Review Board 从 five (5) to six (6) members. 

六个有投票权的成员 将 be recommended by the Graduate 迪安 and approved by the Graduate 委员会. 


研究生委员会 endorsed establishment of a Graduate Review Board based on the proposal 由博士提交. Herrin suggesting that she continue to refine and develop a final policy to bring back to the 委员会 for review and approval.


B.  Revision to Second Master’s Degree Catalog 文本-博士. 罗伯塔Herrin


Dr. Herrin请求 approval to add “从 a regionally accredited U.S. 以“机构”为正文 the Graduate catalog for graduate students wishing to seek a second master’s ETSU学位.


            理事会采取的行动:      批准.


C. 下次会议 of the Graduate 委员会 will be 周一, 2002年11月25日 在田纳西东部 房间里,维.P. 选中心.


7.   休会


会议休会了 2点35分.m.







